#1 AutoFaucet

Sunday, February 24, 2019


Please read entire article. Please think about actual facts. If "Q" was truly a conspiracy, then there would be no mention of it because no real intelligent person acknowledges a conspiracy. With that being said, read below.

What is a rather odd behavior Hillary Clinton is leading the yelling to continue to censor the truth. Every person awake knows they cannot be put back to sleep, and only an oxymoron would think that by censoring or banning accounts would give them control. With many other communications and social media platforms, especially those with earning cryptocurrency for any content, the majority of people have moved away from listening to Main Stream Mockingbird Media, and the crooked politicians that support it.

This leads me to show that by all the attacks on “Q” that they know without a doubt “Q” is legitimate, however they want to lie and bash, mock, call a conspiracy, but in reality we all know that if “Q” was just a conspiracy theory, no reasonable prudent person would acknowledge it. Therefore, just by the amount of onslaught against “Q” it is logical that “Q” is legitimate, because no reasonable credible person would mention it if it were just a conspiracy.

The intelligence and facts that are presented have never been countered or proven to be false by any Fake News Outlet. Senate hearings not only confirm Q-drops, but they clearly show the entire paper trail of criminal activities that these individuals have been doing for years. With actual testimony documents and hearings it is pretty hard to even listen to the lies and false narratives that any of the Fake News Outlets spin. The old saying is true, “Once a person is awake, he or she cannot be put back to sleep”

All one has to do is look at the people attacking on twitter, Hillary Clinton, Guilty of Murder, conspiracy to commit murder, treason, selling classified information to china as well as others. James Comey, guilty of cover ups, lies, deceiving American people. The list goes on. The individuals screaming the loudest are the ones committing the crimes. This is always the case. Murders always scream I did not do it, even when all the forensic evidence shows without a doubt they had done the crime.

The American people have spoken in one loud and crystal clear voice, “ This is our country, You will not destroy our constitution, nor will you destroy we the American people. We will fight you and we will win.”

It seems to me the American people should start the process of a class-action law suit against multiple entities, CNN, ABC, CBS, MSNBC, all Fake news outlets, Talk Show Hosts, All Comedy Central, Any and all main stream media outlets spreading false information, lies, in order to defraud American People. The class action Law Suit must include all Social Media targeting people robbing them of the First Amendment, and each class action law suit must be able to pay each American citizen Effected $50,000,000, which is the standard settlement. Therefore a $ 250 Billion dollar Lawsuit per each entity must be filed. The only way to shut them up is to destroy them financially. This way they will be no more and we will regain full control without entities, and individuals attempting to circumvent our rights.
This will prove to all that only We the American People have the power. I am inviting all #MAGA, #QANON, and all accounts to contact certain lawyers, one you already know suing due to the covington High school lies the main stream mocking bird media aired, and start the process of bankrupting the enemy.

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