#1 AutoFaucet

Friday, February 22, 2019

American Patriots no longer falling for criminal Democrats Lies.

The recent Hoax by Jussie Smoulett, clearly have uncovered alternative motives.
Kamala Harris has been linked to being related to Jussie Smoulett, The Actor’s Mother maiden name is Harris, and was wanting to use this event as a deception to get momentum on her anti- lynching bill. The funny thing is, like the boy that cried wolf, your plan has not only backfired but it will be the downfall of your future..

Other key democrats also being linked to this are Corey Booker, and of course Cortez, the green new deal ignorant person who has no intelligence to even stop and think through her statements entirety.

These individuals do not realize that the American people are not all mindless, brainwashed idiots that will believe whatever they are told simply because of who is saying it. These are the same individuals who actually at one time tried to convince, through television, humor and other media, that all blonds were stupid. Do you remember those Blond jokes? Well Blonds have not only proven that was completely false, but have actually destroyed that stereotype.

As was said on a famous television show, DRAGNET, “Just the facts Dan, just the facts.” This is the only solid way to take off the blinders you are wearing. Do not fall for their lies. Here let me show you their deleted tweets just so you can see how they stage an event, cause the problem, attempt to get others behind them, get the mindless to react, and then solve the problem, or better known as pass their ideas to meet their agenda.

When one stops and lets the facts speak instead of clouding your mind with hate and emotion, one will see the real picture of what is unfolding. If you only use your emotion you are so fast asleep you are not living in the real world. So to those asleep do you still think blonds are dumb? I am sure Katy Kassidy, Caity Lotz, Emily Beckett Richards and others would prove you wrong.

Nice to see that the lies and disgusting tactics are no longer being believed by a majority of the American people and the world.

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