#1 AutoFaucet

Saturday, July 13, 2019

Jeffrey Epstein will be the Smoking Gun that topples the Deep State.

Let me ask you a simple question. Why would any real media corporation ever bring up a smear campaign against a false, so-called conspiracy, such as “Q”? The Answer is they would not. If “Q” was simply just a conspiracy, a larp, a fake, then they would never give it credence on the air, or even in print. The mere fact that they do shows that they are so fearful of what is coming for them, that they have lost all sense of reality.

Let us set the stage The date is April 20th, 2018 a Q-Drop was posted on the Q Board. 

If you look at this post the first line is Mack is Naming names. This means that the names of all the sex cult, pedophiles are known on that day. No main stream fake news coverage was done and there was not even a mention of an alleged plea deal until 3 days later, after this drop was posted.
Let us look at the second line Big Names in H-Wood/Gov’t(local/federal). That line tells me there are some names in Government that are not what you think they are.

Now understand the date of this was the 20th of April 2018 let us fast forward to the present.

The news of the Arrest of Jeffery Epstein for Sex cult trafficking was just the tip of the Iceberg. Jeffery Epstein was keeping photos and logs of the individuals that have visited his island so he could blackmail them to ensure his safety as well as gain political favors. This is reality pictures do not lie, People do let us look at some proofs

A satanic Temple?

Bill Clinton with Rachael Chandler, on the flight he said he was not there?

This picture shows who is also involved.

If you are waiting for the Main Stream News Media to bring you facts, you may as well hold your breath turn blue and pass out, because that will never happen. Think I am bluffing, did not a joke story go main stream recently of a plan to storm area 51 this September? Did not this joke become a news story?

Main stream Media is nothing more than Central Intelligence Agency Talking Points to dull your senses and keep you asleep, keep you not thinking for yourself, and to prevent you from being an individual capable of critical thinking when one has actual facts and evidence.

Facebook, Google, Twitter, Youtube, Pintrest, main stream media will need to be held accountable and atone to the American people for the crime of attempting to willfully, and knowingly take away the rights and freedoms of all the American people. These companies are the reason you still remain divided instead of using your own scooby Doo insight and solve a mystery for yourself.

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